These semi-finished products are small in size but large in value. They are the basic components of each jewel; by combining aesthetics and function, they increase the value. Lastly, they express that combination of craftsmanship and engineering that makes Fior one of the world’s main suppliers.
Tradition and modernisation: steady investments in research and development.
Our company is rooted in the Arezzo goldsmithing tradition, but is also oriented to the future through continuous technological development, streamlining of processes and product improvement. One of its strong points is the internal design and creation of many machines; besides enabling us to stay ahead of the times, they are the cornerstone for quality production that satisfies the different business needs. Alongside our master craftsmen and the know-how acquired in decades of sector experience, these tools enabled us to build a rich catalogue of products for the specific purposes of each customer. Our spring rings, stamped clasps, beads and other semi-finished products are highly customisable starting from their carats, alloys and colours, offering a vast range of choice between gold, silver, platinum, palladium, goldfilled, silverfilled, bonded AU-AG, bronze and brass.
We guarantee quality and safety.
The production process ends with each product being checked to guarantee its quality, safety and compliance with European regulatory standards in terms of the release of chemical elements such as nickel, cadmium and lead. With this in mind, our semi-finished products are also available in nickel safe alloys with white gold and in nickel free alloys with silver or palladium.
Manual skill, experience and passion:
the human element qualifies our work and gives our production value. “Human touch” is the claim we have chosen to narrate the very essence of Fior activities with its core in skills and relationships.
The human touch guarantees quality
“Human touch” expresses the artisan element of each semi-finished product: technological progress and the use of cutting-edge machinery can never replace the human touch. Spring rings, stamped clasps and beads are the result of a process centred around creativity, manual skills, passion, attention to detail and careful control of finished product quality.
A large family with a shared objective
“Human touch” also expresses the strong sense of belonging of our employees: the well-being of personnel is one of the Fior priorities, shaping a workplace where everyone can feel important, welcomed and stimulated to pursue a common goal. We work with the organisation of a large company, but share the spirit and heart of a large family.
Attention, trust and collaboration: customer-centred
Last of all, “Human touch” expresses how we present ourselves on the market: listening, attention and availability offered to each customer are the cornerstones for a relationship of long-lasting dialogue, trust and collaboration.
The Italian manufacturing sector has always been known globally for creativity and quality. These characteristics are represented in the many different products exported daily to all continents, consolidating a model of excellence where the reliability of tradition meets innovation and evolving taste.      

Pride in our roots: the “made in Tuscany” of Fior  Our identity remains faithful to the Italian model of the pursuit for excellence, and is strongly rooted in its territory. For years now, our communication campaigns have been proudly accompanied by a logo declaring our land of origin, Tuscany; an undisputed symbol of quality through history represented by people, places and events for which it is known all over the world. Our activity is intended for global markets, but through the best expression of a local tradition.
logo made in tuscany RESTILYNG 2020

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