I cookie sono dati che vengono inviati dal sito web e memorizzati dal browser internet nel computer o in

altro dispositivo (ad esempio, tablet o cellulare) dell’utente. Potranno essere installati, dal dominio e dai relativi sottodomini, cookie tecnici e cookie di terze parti.

Ad ogni modo, l’utente potrà gestire, ovvero richiedere la disattivazione generale o la cancellazione dei cookie, modificando le impostazioni del proprio browser internet. Tale disattivazione, però, potrà rallentare o impedire l’accesso ad alcune parti del sito.


Le impostazioni per gestire o disattivare i cookie possono variare a seconda del browser internet utilizzato, pertanto, per avere maggiori informazioni sulle modalità con le quali compiere tali operazioni, suggeriamo all’Utente di consultare il manuale del proprio dispositivo o la funzione “Aiuto” o “Help” del proprio browser internet.


Di seguito si indicano agli Utenti i link che spiegano come gestire o disabilitare i cookie per i browser internet più diffusi:


– Internet Explorer:

– Google Chrome:

– Mozilla Firefox:

– Opera:

– Safari:





L’uso di cookie tecnici, ossia cookie necessari alla trasmissione di comunicazioni su rete di comunicazione elettronica ovvero cookie strettamente necessari al fornitore per erogare il servizio richiesto dal cliente, consente la fruizione sicura ed efficiente del nostro sito.


Potranno essere installati cookie di sessione al fine di consentire l’accesso e la permanenza nell’area riservata del portale come utente autenticato.

I cookie tecnici sono essenziali per il corretto funzionamento del nostro dominio e sono utilizzati per permettere agli utenti la normale navigazione e la possibilità di usufruire dei servizi avanzati disponibili sul nostro sito web. I cookie tecnici utilizzati si distinguono in cookie di sessione, che vengono memorizzati esclusivamente per la durata della navigazione fino alla chiusura del browser, e cookie persistenti che vengono salvati nella memoria del dispositivo dell’utente fino alla loro scadenza o

cancellazione da parte dell’utente medesimo.


Il nostro sito utilizza i seguenti cookie tecnici:

• Cookie tecnici di navigazione o di sessione, utilizzati per gestire la normale navigazione e l’autenticazione dell’utente;

• Cookie tecnici funzionali, utilizzati per memorizzare personalizzazioni scelte dall’utente, quali, ad esempio, la lingua;

• Cookie tecnici analytics, utilizzati per conoscere il modo in cui gli utenti utilizzano il nostro sito web così da poter valutare e migliorare il funzionamento.





Potranno essere installati cookie di terze parti: si tratta dei cookie, analitici e di profilazione, di Google, di Criteo e di Facebook. Tali cookie sono inviati da domini di predette terze parti esterni al nostro sito.


I cookie analitici di terze parti sono impiegati per rilevare informazioni sul comportamento degli utenti sul sito. La rilevazione avviene in forma anonima, al fine di monitorare le prestazioni e migliorare l’usabilità del sito. I cookie di profilazione di terze parti sono utilizzati per creare profili relativi agli utenti, al fine di proporre messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le scelte manifestate dagli utenti medesimi.


L’utilizzo di questi cookie è disciplinato dalle regole predisposte dalle terze parti medesime, pertanto, si invitano gli Utenti a prendere visione delle informative privacy e delle indicazioni per gestire o disabilitare i cookie pubblicate nelle seguenti pagine web:


Per cookie di Google:

– privacy policy:

– indicazioni per gestire o disabilitare i cookie:


Per cookie di Criteo:

– privacy policy:

– indicazioni per gestire o disabilitare i cookie:


Per cookie di Facebook:

– privacy policy:

– indicazioni gestire o disabilitare i cookie:




This website uses cookies to make its services simpler and more efficient for the users who see the pages.

The users who access the Site, will see a minimal quantity of information on the devices in use, which are computers or mobile units, in small text files called "cookies" saved in the directories used by the user’s browser.


There are various types of cookies, some render the Site use more efficient, other to activate some functions.




Technical Cookies

The Site uses exclusively “technical” cookies, such as navigation or session cookies or functional and analytical ones.

Navigation or session Cookies

Navigation or session cookies can be specifically used to guarantee the normal navigation and use of the web site, and they are aimed at optimizing and making the navigation within the site more functional.

Function Cookies

furthermore, functional cookies can be installed, which are strictly necessary to supply the services explicitly requested by the users.

Analytic Cookies

finally, analytic cookies can be installed, used exclusively only by the website manager to collect information, in an aggregated and anonymous form, on the number of users and how users visit the site.

Following the acceptance, by the user, we will use the specific "Google analytics" service: the data acquired by means of Google analytics may also be used by Google, in accordance with the terms of service prepared by them.

There are no profiling cookies used by the manager of the Site.




Cookies for the analysis of third party services

These cookies are used to collect information, in an anonymous form, on the use of the Site by the users, such as: pages seen, period of visit, origins of the traffic, geographic origin, age, sex and interests, in order to plan marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent by third party domains outside the Site. The Site uses the "Google Analytics" service.


Google Analytics is a web analysis service furnished by Google, which, through the use of cookies (performance cookies), collects anonymous navigation data in order to trace and examine the use of the site and to furnish other services related to the site activities, including the number of visitors and the pages visited. Google may also transfer this information to third parties, where this may be required by Law or where said third parties may be handling said information on behalf od Google. Google will not connect the IP address to any other data in its possession.

By using this website, the user agrees on the handling of the data by Google and for the methods and aims indicated above. The data sent to Google are deposited in the Google servers in the United States. For any further information on the use of the data and its handling by Google, we recommend that you read the information at the following Internet address:


Cookie to integrate products and third party software functions

This kind of cookie integrates the functions developed by third parties, within the pages of the Site, such as icons and the preferences you express in social networks for the sharing of the website content or for the use of third party software, (such as the software that generates maps and which offer additional services). These cookies are sent by the third party domains or by partner sites that offer their services in the pages of the Site.

In particular, the site presents social plugins for Facebook. Said plugins do not set up a cookie, but if this is already present on the visitor’s computer, they are capable or reading it and using it on the basis of her/his settings. The collection and use of the information by the said third parties, is regulated by their respective privacy policies, which we ask you to refer to.

Facebook  notification:

Facebook (configuration): access your account. Privacy section.  Installation/Un-installation of cookies.


Browser options

The user may oppose the registration of the cookies on their own device by configuring the browser they use to surf the web: if they use the website without changing the browser settings, it is presumed that they intend to receive all the cookies used by the Site a use all its functions. We remind you that to impede the use of some or all the above described cookies, by configuring the browser used for surfing, and more precisely:

- For Internet Explorer®: clicca qui

- For Safari® Safari on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: click here

- For Chrome®: click here

- For Firefox®: click here

- For Opera®: click here




Cookie Joomla


Navigation Cookie


The cookies have the exclusive function of recognizing the logged in users, allowing them to surf the magazine, even in the reserved areas.


Performance Cookie


Navigation Cookie


The cookies have the function of saving the information of the inline style pages to speed up the user’s subsequent visits and offer a quicker or less expensive navigation.


Google Analytics


Third Party Cookie


This website uses this type of web analysis service furnished by Google Inc. to receive an aggregate kind of statistic information, to evaluate the usage of the website and the activities carried out by the visitor. Google memorizes the information collected by the cookies on servers that may also be located in the United States. Google reserves the right to transfer the information collected via its cookie, to third parties wher this may be required by Law or where the third party may process information by itself.

Google will not connect your IP address to any other datum possessed by Google in order to obtain a more detailed profile of the user.further information on the management of privacy and/or the methods to refuse or eliminate this kind of cookie are available at the URL:

The user may disable, selectively, the activity of Google Analytics by installing on his browser the opt-out component furnished by Google. to disable the collection of data by Google Analytics, please connect to the link indicated here below:


Embedded Contents


Third Party Cookie


This website may use at times and not always Youtube and Vimeo videos, Twitter, Facebook and Google+ contents and in general depending on the aim, embeddable contents from other platforms. This website may control the cookies that the third party web sites issue and for this reason it is advisable to gather information directly at third parties to have better control over the cookies.  Herebelow are some useful links to the policies of the mentioned third party cookies.








Google Fonts Google Maps


Third Party Cookie


This Website uses in some parts of the site, some fonts furnished by the Google Fonts service and some maps from Google Maps. For information on the cookies in question this is the link:



You may check and/or verify the cookies as you like. To learn more go to

You may eliminate the cookies already present in the computer and set nearly all the browsers so that they block the installation.

If you choose this option, you must manually modify some preferences each time you visit the site and it may be possible that some services or specific functions ar not available.


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